Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unicorn Murder.

I just wanted to give you a little heads up. There has been some drama in hi tree land this week. Hazel here is very upset with me because I killed her favorite unicorn friend. The little bastard was chasing all of the humming birds away in the yard and I just couldn't TAKE IT ANYMORE. Personally I think she needs to put HER MAN PANTS ON but she won't speak to me and I am sure she is hurling insults at me behind my back. I wanted to tell you before she did. 

BUT because I am nice, let's take a moment of silence to remember the 3 unicorns that lost their lives this week. It will help her on her road to recovery. According to google there are 7 stages of grieving. I think she is working through stage 3, anger and bargaining, so we've got a ways to go. 

Enough about that!
 In other news: The giant Hazel doll is up for sale in my shop. We both know you want her. You probably have a child, but you want her for YOURSELF. I know your type too well. 

LAST but certainly not least, If you made it this far in the post then you get a reward. Because, lord only knows I bore you all of you to death with my rambling. So how about a FREE SHIPPING coupon code? This is a golden opportunity to buy ALL of your christmas presents and pay $0 shipping. The magical coupon code is happyhalloween and it is valid until Monday November 7. 


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