boy did i drop off the face of the earth. im so bad like that!
the reason for my disappearance was, well, ive been making stuff! new stuff!
i also did unique los angeles last weekend which was very very awesome.
april was such an amazing month on etsy and may is turning out to be the same.
so here are some recent photos! and photos of my studio.....
(you will have to excuse the poor image quality of the studio photos, its a little too dark in there and i hate using a flash.)

bringing back the fanny pack.... (does anyone beside me even call them that anymore?)

hi tree studio!

my booth at unique los angeles last weekend....
anyways, tonight is the north east los angeles art walk, hi tree studio will be open for business tonight from 7 to 10pm.
if you live in the highland park/ eagle rock/ pasadena area come by! you can download a map of art walk here.
hi tree studio is located in the rear of the avenue 50 studio at 131 north ave. 50, right next to the gold line tracks.
located in the same building you will find she rides the lion print studio and also 2 tracks studio. its a fun place to be!