justin and i have been working on a redesign of hitree.com. but we have hit a bump- we cant decide which design to go with. so this is where you come in. i need some feedback! so below are 3 options.
i would really appreciate some feedback comments! thank you in advance!
option 1:
option 2:
option 3:
My vote - option #1
good luck.
I also like the first one the best.
I like #1 also. It has the layers like the trees, but not too many.
I like option 2 :) It definitely catches my eye the most!
Option 1
Option 2! It mimics the layers on your trees perfectly!
Option #2. It mimics your style the best.
Ditto for #2.
I like #1. Can't wait to see the new site. How is the new logo working out?
Hello! Thank you thank you thank you! it looks like its almost a tie between 1 & 2. i think ill let this ride for another day or so. its such a hard call for me! i really really appreciate everyones input. it helps :)
trudesign: i love the new logo. i have been using it for my buttons since i got it from you, and they are a big hit. when i make some money i would love to have you do mr. giant sequoia. i think he would look awesome!
I like number 1
i think option #2 is the best because the multiple green rings around the logo is more appealing to me, it draws me to the center which is the hi tree :)
I vote #1, too!
They all work really well, but I like 2 best : )
my eyes caught the design of #2 the most. That's my vote. Looks great!
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