Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well, there is so much going on over here in lala land. I have quite a few new trees that i will be adding to my shop as soon as i get them photographed, as well as some new owl and mushroom fun stuff.

Im going on week #3 of being my own boss, and i have to say, i wake up earlier everyday and i am way more motivated then i ever thought i could be. There has been no shortage of work either! Its been so wonderful.

Now i am looking for a studio space, i need to get the heck out of my living room, its killing me! (If you live in the LA area and you know of anywhere affordable, hook a sister up!)

Today i just shipped out a fat wholesale order to Tokyo, i am very excited about having my work over there, i think its a good fit. So now im all caught up and ready to start preparing for Unique Los Angeles. If you live here in La and you would like tickets to go, i have 10! please let me know if you would like any of them, i think i only need 4, so the rest are up for grabs. I am pretty sure this will be one of the best gift markets ever, you could get all of your christmas shopping done in one place all the while buying hand made. perfect :)

A few pictures from Sunday at the Arroyo Arts Collective rediscovery tour here in Highland park....


Anonymous said...

Hello! Wanna let you know I've enjoyed reading your blog, and nominated you for an award. It's waiting for you on my blog.

TinaA said...

Your work is beautiful!

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